Dangerous Dave

Dangerous Dave

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TREVOR D MINI-MORNING SHOW: This Instantly Wrecks A Burger

QUESTION DU JOUR: This Instantly Ruins A Hamburger? Best Burger Within 93 Miles of Grand Forks??

TRENDING: What's Your Go-To Response to a Funny Text?

BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW: The U.S. military supported the movie "Independence Day" and even offered military costumes and props . . . until the film refused to eliminate mentions of 

Area 51. Then the military withdrew all its support.

FRIDAY MORNING MORON AWARD: A Grown Man Got a DUI on a Power Wheel

8 O'CLOCK TALK: College Football Is Back: 60% of Fans Say They'd Excommunicate Friends 

Who Root for Other Teams

ONE MORE THING: The Next Place to Put Merchandise in Locked Cases Is . . . Dollar Tree?

Originally Aired: Friday, August 25th, 2023

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