Dangerous Dave

Dangerous Dave

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Stress Awareness & In Awe

Election Day & Dead Trends

It's election day and Dangerous Dave talks about some election day stats. Plus, trends that died off as fast as they started like figgit spinners and flash mobs.

Daylight Saving & Alien Invasion

Are you out of sync because of daylight saving time change? Dangerous Dave says you are not alone, 69% of people are affected by the switch. Plus, what states would most likely survive an alien invasion? We look at that list and what factors they used.

Searched Slang & Daylight Saving

Do you try and stay hip with the latest slang? Dangerous Dave talks about the most search slang words and most deal with social media. Plus, it is daylight saving time switch weekend and we talk about how many people want to get it eliminated.

Vanishing Traditions & Halloween Stats

What traditions do you do that may be vanishing? Dangerous Dave talks about an online poll that includes class reunions and Christmas cards. Plus, Halloween stats for 2024

Cat and Dog Obsessed & Nightmares

Are we obsessed with our pets? Dangerous Dave talks about Google searches for our dogs and cats and which states are most obesessed. Plus, our most common nightmares, including being late for work and falling.

Work Motivation & Simple But Horrible

What kills your motivation at work? Dangerous Dave talks about a list from a survey of workers about what kills motivation at work including bad bosses. Plus, what simple task are your horrible at? Folding shirts and drinking from a glass made the list.

Hangry & Biggest Fears

Is "hangry" really a thing? Dangerous Dave says "yes" we tells you why. Plus, our biggest fears per state.

Halloween Shopping & Haunted Houses

Shopping for Halloween costumes? Dangerous Dave talks about tips from an employee of Spirit Halloween. Plus, do you believe in haunted houses? The majority of people do not.

Trash Liners & Adult Experiences

Are we using trash liners wrong? Dangerous Dave talks about a video online that says "yes" but the people at Glad say "no, and yes". Plus, adult experiences we don't talk about.